Monday, June 20, 2011

Web Design: XHTML/CSS

I haven't posted in a while...I've been taking another class.  This one is in XHTML and CSS.  I feel like I've learned so much!  This is my last week, and I've started to re-do my website.  I've found it's too hard to update it as we go along, with only 1 week left, I'm to the point where I know what I want it to look like and I can get started on the updating.  I've developed a process that works really well for me.  When I'm working on the computer I tend to want to just jump in start creating, but I've learned that I need to take a step back and really plan first.  I sketched out a few layout options, then I created the one I like the most in Photoshop before I started coding.  This really helped, because as I'm coding and viewing what I'm creating in my browser, I can compare it to the Photoshop version.  I think this process will help if I start designing for others as well, because I can show them what the web page will look like prior to coding and make all of the necessary changes at that point, instead of after the fact, when it's harder and more time consuming.